4-th month part two
Monday, November 1 (3 months and 19 days)
At home again
This time Sani is ill. Last night after reading it seemed to me that he is hot and I took his temperature which was 37,3 C. In the morning though he was OK, just a bit of coughing. We decided that the big party will be on Saturday and tomorrow we will just have a regular diner with Julia and bТday cake. Our dad said that he wonТt make it on Saturday, though, and our grandma canТt make it today Ц so this year we will celebrate SanisТ bТday in two sets.
IТve spent the whole day trying to study biology and write my novel.
Late in the evening when the kids were asleep me and dad were inflating balloons, still those from the last year and some of them apparently went over dry or something cause in the middle of the night they started bursting making us think that the whole place is a battlefield of some sort.
Tuesday, November 2 (3 months and 20 days)
Alexander Krivitskiy Jr is 3 today! Click here to post a personal greeting message!

Poor little Sani! He is still ill and his cheeks are all covered by some sort of eczema - which, I presume, is the result of his little chocolate feast at grandmaТs this weekend.
He did appreciate the balloons, though. We also promised that Julia will come today in the afternoon and he started running around and screaming and rolling over the floor Ц expressing his great joy and anxiety. When dad left he turned into a little hysterical brat. I remember that we had it just the same two years ago Ц for his first birthday he threw his very first tantrum. So today was something similar - he was whaling and everything was wrong for him. And whatТs getting me most is his manner to yell somewhere from the corridor : УMommy! Come here! A-a-a-a-a! Come here!Ф So I come and he would be just sitting there on the floor and having nothing else to say would repeat: УCome here!Ф. I am trying to give him more hugs and to show him that we all love him but it works just for a short time. Then our granddaddy Alex arrived. Sani calls him Уdaddy HiФ, because he is the only one who sais УhiФ to him in English Ц in Russian it sounds like УprivetФ. So grandday УHiФ brought us an assortment of the coolest possible toys Ц both for Katie and for him, of such kind that makes you sigh and daydream as you look at them through the shop window Ц really the best ones, no doubts, absolutely the best that can be now purchased in this country and for his age. The first one is a robot Ц it has and infrared remote control, it walks and talks and yet looks like a good guy, there is nothing hostile in him or even aggressive Ц which is very important for me as I reject all sorts of military toys, guns, etc.
The other one is a nice green chappy on a lorry . Plus several puzzle games.
We were awed.
The bad thing is that I had absolutely no food and it looked really strange Ц I couldnТt even serve some tea. I was waiting for Sasha to arrive any minute with food, his mobile was out. Then grandpa left and felt kinda sad, but when Sasha finally turned up Ц we had a real party. He brought a huge cake and all those things kinds like. We decided that since itТs a kinds party Ц we should sit on the floor and everyone should eat only what they really want Ц crabsticks, sweets etc.
At half-past seven they left to take Julia home, Katie was asleep by then and Sani had a bath (surprisingly without any problems). Then as I was reading to him it seemed that he is running temperature. And he was Ц 38,7 this time.
Wednesday, November 3 (3 months and 21 days)
The student mom (advantages)
Well, there are no apparent advantages of being a student for your parenthood but there are some fantastic benefits from you being a student AND a mom. I had no other option than taking Katie with me to the uni today Ц dad was at home with Sani (all in snots and coughing) and I had to go there to pick up some new material and even get some assessments (biology).
The biology teacher is a monster. I love such teachers Ц during assessments she calls you out to the whiteboard and makes you put all your files and books on the table in front of her in order to
a) see what youТve been writing on her lectures and
b) to deprive you of all chances to have a glimpse at what you might not remember when she asks.
I arrived in the very end of the class, and when she saw me with the baby-seat, her heart melted and she did not even ask me anything Ц just gave me some new stuff to learn and said that I should take my time and not worry about my not coming.
Then I went to the general course gathering and sat there in the classroom with 5 groups Цa total of 50 people and Katie Ц who was not asleep by now - behaved nice and quiet. In the evening we went out to buy something and I took some pictures in the park right near our house. This fall is so amazingly warm and sunny!

Thursday, November 4(3 months and 22 days)
Another day indoors
I felt so terribly tired in the morning! The whole place was a
mess but I really could not be bothered to get up and even make myself breakfast. Perhaps there was something in the air. I had a blissful day of laying on the sofa (with my charming little kids who were so nicely entertaining me by their wailing, peeing, pooing, spilling and wanting attention) and read a great book by Fazil Iskander whom I thought was some South American revolutionist but it turned out that he is one of the best Russian writers IТve ever read.
On the picture below: the urban sunrise, view from the living room
Friday, November 5 (3 months and 23 days)
The kid is getting me
I think Sani is getting better.
Though he is now completely spoilt and I have no idea how is it that in the West they do not yell or even spank the babies. I am very nice to him and my policy is to raise the baby in love Ц only love can teach, love can cure, love is the best exampleЕ but when he does deliberately something that he shouldnТt do, when he runs around with a wooden stick risking to smash something and when it is taken away Ц he falls on the floor and yells so loud that the younger one wakes up! Lol.

Saturday, November 6 (3 months and 24 days)
B'day party # 2
We had a great day!
I cooked 4 salads, meat in white souse, mushrooms and vegetable rice. There were just 6 people Ц our Grandma and Boris, Julia (next door) and her mom, and the kiddos. We brought the big table to the living room and had a really good time. Sani behaved more or less decently and Katie sat with us in her chair and was very quiet and just watched how we are eating.
Then in about an hour I nursed her in her room and she fell asleep.
The only bad thing is that she started coughing. They keep passing this damn virus to each other and I have no idea what to do with it.
LolЕ just heard her coughing againЕ
Our daddy is leaving for Odessa on a business trip this night - at half past one AM. He said that he will return tomorrow.
Oh yes, and when Julia came and did not bring anything special (just chockolate, as usual) Sani stumped his foot and asked "And my present?". The present arrived with Julia's mom in 10 minutes.

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